Sonntag, 3. März 2024

Gionathan Lo Mascolo (ed.): Die christliche Rechte in Europa - Bewegungen, Netzwerke, Denominationen (Open Access) - Buch des Monats März 2024


Gionathan Lo Mascolo (ed.): 

The Christian Right in Europe

Movements, Networks,
and Denominations

Bielefeld: Transcript 2023, 388 pp.

ISBN: 978-3-8376-6038-8

Full text - Download Open Access

Interreligiöse Bibliothek (IRB):
Buch des Monats März 2024

Detaillierte Verlagsinformation mit Kurzbesprechungen1

Inspired by the success of the US Christian Right and the rise of the global far-right, ultraconservative Christians in Europe are joining forces and seek to reshape Europe. By assembling in anti-gender movements and sharing anti-Muslim narratives, they actively influence the political landscape and shape government policies. The contributors offer new perspectives on the protagonists and the entangled networks that work to abolish liberal democracy in Europe behind the scenes. This anthology is the first to bring together case studies on the Christian Right in over 20 European countries, providing a transnational perspective and an accessible insight for clergy, politicians, and academics alike.

Deutsche Beschreibung
Inspiriert durch den Erfolg der christlichen Rechten in den USA und den Aufstieg der globalen extremen Rechten, schließen sich ultrakonservative Christen in Europa zusammen und versuchen, Europa neu zu gestalten. Indem sie sich in Anti-Gender-Bewegungen zusammenschließen und antimuslimische Narrative verbreiten, beeinflussen sie aktiv die politische Landschaft und und versuchen auf die jeweilige Regierungspoltik Einfluss zu nehmen. Die Beiträge bieten neue Perspektiven auf die Protagonisten und die miteinander verflochtenen Netzwerke, die hinter den Kulissen an der Abschaffung der liberalen Demokratie in Europa arbeiten. Dieser Sammelband ist die erste Zusammenstellung von Fallstudien über die christliche Rechte in über 20 europäischen Ländern, die eine länderübergreifende Perspektive bietet und Geistlichen, Theologen,  Politikern und Wissenschaftlern gleichermaßen einen Einblick gewährt.

Critic's Reviews

»An invaluable collection of empirical studies covering all of Europe. It demonstrates that the emergence of the Christian Right in Europe is a novel, epochal, and quasi-global phenomenon, driven by the globalization of culture wars and by the consolidation of transnational, mainly transatlantic, networks into a Moralist International.« (José Casanova, Emeritus Professor at Georgetown University)

»A welcome addition to the study of the burgeoning Christian Right, with sweeping geographic scope and a comprehensive analysis that upends many of the assumptions the public makes about the secular nature of European society and politics. A must-read for anyone who wants to understand how the new European Christian Right is shaping social and cultural opposition to abortion, same-sex marriage, the LGBTQ+ community, and broader attacks on gender in the name of ›traditionalism‹« (Cynthia Miller-Idriss, Director, Polarization and Extremism Research and Innovaation Lab [PERIL], American University)

»Much has been written about the Christian Right in the US, but very little about their European allllies. This first-of-a-kind volume offers a comprehensive set of case studies along with integrative essays. It is a must-read for anyone trying to understand the rightward turn of liberal democracies across the West.« (Gorski Frederick & Laura Goff Professor at Yale University)

»This authoritative book brings a wealth of insights and knowledge to examine Euroope's Christian Right, with links to right-wing populist parties and political movements across the region. The book is a must-read for anyone interested in the state of politics in Europe today.« (Jeffrey Haynes, Emeritus Prof., London Metropolitan University)

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