Mittwoch, 4. April 2018

Philosophical Inquiries into Modern Jihadism - Philosophische Nachforschungen zum modernen Djihadismus

TRIVENT Publishing ermöglicht, die Beiträge in Vol I, Ausgabe 2 (Dezember 2017) des 
Philosophical Journal of Conflict and Violence (PJCV) als PDF-Dateien herunterzuladen. 

Philosophical Inquiries into Modern Jihadism

ISSN 2559-9798
Volume I (Issue 2/ 2017, December)
DOI: 10.22618/TP.PJCV.20171.1
Pages 98-245

Editor-in-Chief: Andreas Wilmes
Trivent Publishing, H-1119 Budapest, Etele u. 59-61
Responsible publisher: Teodora C. Artimon

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Martyrium und Selbstopferung
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Dossier: Philosophical Inquiries into Modern Jihadism

René Girard’s Reflections on Modern Jihadism: An Introduction
Author(s): Andreas Wilmes
This paper aims to offer a comprehensive overview of René Girard’s reflections on the issue of modern jihadism. It addresses three key aspects of his reasoning: (I) the rise of Islamic terrorism in the context of a globalization of resentment; (II) modern jihadism understood as an “event internal to the development of technology;” (III) the hypothesis that modern jihadism “is both linked to Islam and different from it.”

Terror Attacks and the Production of the Sacred
Author(s): Thomas Clavel
Starting from René Girard and Philippe Muray’s thoughts on terrorism, the present paper introduces the hypothesis that the re-sacralization of the hyperfestive  era is the unexpected but seemingly inevitable effect of jihadist attacks in Europe. These assumptions aim to shed new light on the Western rhetoric of commemorative events and media discourses.

Attentats : quand la terreur produit du sacré
Author(s): Thomas Clavel
A partir des réflexions de René Girard et de Philippe Muray sur le terrorisme, ce texte introduit l’hypothèse suivant laquelle la re-sacralisation de l’ère hyperfestive serait l’effet inévitable et non-calculé des attentats djihadistes en Europe.  Ces postulats visent à apporter un éclairage neuf quant à la rhétorique des évènements commémoratifs et des discours médiatiques en Occident.

Killing for Paradise
Author(s): Jean-Marc Bourdin
The motivations of jihadist suicide attacks seem incomprehensible. However, numerous testimonies indicate that their death as martyrs is their only way to access paradise and its wondrous promises. Martyrdom appears as an option for those who feel a deep resentment and know themselves incapable of being “good Muslims” during their whole earthly life. René Girard, who was interested in this phenomenon (especially in his last book Battling to the End) provides us with some key elements to understand what we will call a neo-pascalian wager undifferentiating self-sacrifice and the sacrifice of others.

Tuer dans l’espoir du paradis
Author(s): Jean-Marc Bourdin
Les motivations des attentats-suicides des islamistes djihadistes semblent incompréhensibles. Pourtant, de nombreux témoignages convergent sur l’idée que leur mort en martyr est la seule voie d’accès au paradis et à ses promesses mirifiques pour ceux qui éprouvent un ressentiment profond et se savent incapables d’être de «bons musulmans» tout au long de leur existence terrestre. René Girard, qui s’était intéressé au phénomène, en particulier dans son dernier ouvrage Achever Clausewitz, nous suggère des clés pour avancer dans la compréhension de ce que nous appelons ici un pari néo-pascalien qui indifférencie sacrifice de soi et sacrifice des autres.

Terrorism: from Ethnic Cleansing to Lone Wolves
Author(s): Paul Dumouchel
Terrorism takes many forms and numerous actions which at first resemble terrorism are not defined as such and others which are quite different, are described as acts of terrorism. Why? This paper argues that different forms of terrorism are related to the changing structure of the modern state and especially that the close resemblance between many acts of terrorism (especially by lone wolves and mass murders) is related to the transformation of the state’s monopoly of legitimate violence.

Terrorism and Democracy
Author(s): Benoît Chantre
This paper analyses the threat of Jihadism to modern democracies through the lens of René Girard’s mimetic theory. The study’s main contention is that terrorism is caused not only by resentment and nihilism but is also symptomatic of the contemporary malfunction of Religion when deprived of its sacrificial safeguards. Eventually, this paper aims to deduce the requisites for safeguarding democracy and the foundation of a new interfaith dialogue.

Cold and Efficient Killing Machines
Author(s): Jacob Rogozinski
In the first chapter of Djihadisme: Le Retour du Sacrifice (Paris: Desclée de Brouwer, 2017), a new philosophical essay on the contemporary threat of jihadism, the author, Jacob Rogozinski, puts into question our current understanding and usages of the word “terrorism.” The chapter argues that the concept of terrorism is often too vague and biased and that it should be replaced by a philosophical approach inspired by Michel Foucault’s thoughts on power. Nonetheless, Foucault’s work needs to be supplemented by the concept of “terror apparatus,” and the author eventually aims to show how this concept can help for a better understanding of contemporary jihadism.

Jihadism: What is a Terror Apparatus? Interview with Jacob Rogozinski
Author(s): Jacob Rogozinski, Andreas Wilmes
In the present interview, Jacob Rogozinski elucidates the main concepts and theses he developed in his latest book dedicated to the issue of modern jihadism. On this occasion, he explains his disagreements with other philosophical (Badiou, Baudrillard, Žižek) and anthropological (Girard) accounts of Islamic terrorism. Rogozinski also explains that although jihadism betrays Islam, it nonetheless has everything to do with Islam. Eventually, he describes his own philosophical journey which led him from a phenomenological study of the ego and the flesh to the study of past (witch-hunts, French Reign of Terror) and contemporary (jihadism) terror apparatuses.

Duress as a Defence in a Case of Murder
Author(s): Maximilian Kiener
This essay defends duress as a complete defence in specific cases of murder through discussing the case of Erdemovic, who was convicted by the International Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) after he killed innocent people to save his own life. To begin with, I will present two objections to the Court’s judgment. Firstly, the Court cannot achieve its objective of deterrence without violating a fundamental legal principle. Secondly, the judgment itself permits that criminals sometimes remove the protecting shield of the criminal law. I will then develop these objections into arguments favouring acquittal and generalise my results.

René Girard: Interviews (2002 – 2008)
Introduction to Interviews
Author(s): Andreas Wilmes, David Dawson

What are our Values Worth? (La Croix, December 13, 2002)
Author(s): René Girard, Laurent d’Ersu, Robert Migliorini

Facing the Devil’s Test: The Truth According to René Girard (Nouvelle Revue Certitudes, 16 - 2005)
Author(s): René Girard, Laurent Linneuil, Abbé de Tanoüarn

“I would like to be your age…” (Contrepoints - November 11, 2015)
Author(s): René Girard, Pierre Farge

Book Reviews
Fornari, Giuseppe. A God Torn to Pieces. The Nietzsche Case
Author(s): Asha Lancaster-Thomas

Humbert, David. Violence in the Films of Alfred Hitchcock: A Study in Mimesis
Author(s): George A. Dunn

Losurdo, Domenico. Non-Violence: A History beyond the Myth
Author(s): Verbena Giambastiani

Tomelleri, Stefano. Ressentiment: Reflections on Mimetic Desire and Society
Author(s): Burak Demirbas

Contributing Authors

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