Freitag, 24. Juli 2020

Pluralisierung von Theologien an Universitäten Europas

This publication assumes that the modern context of plurality requires universities and higher education to support studying plural religious traditions in depth, giving due consideration to plural religious and secular perspectives, and providing opportunities for interaction between them. There are various ways to realise these aims. Success may be supported (or hindered) by various structures and concepts prevalent in universities or by different schools of thought on the nature of religions, on their relation to each other, and on their place in society. Religions and theologies can be studied in parallel, in cooperation, in dialogue, or through integrative approaches. The differing theoretical positions and contextual conditions (institutional, social, political) within which (inter)religious learning takes place are an important focus of this publication, both for the possibilities they open up and the limitations they pose.

This publication builds on the presentations and discussions of scholars participating at a conference at the University of Hamburg in December 2018, with some additional contributions from others in the field who were unable to attend in person.


I. Introduction and Systematic Approaches -
Wolfram Weisse, Julia Ipgrave, Oddbjørn Leirvik, Muna Tatari Introduction
... 11

Oddbjørn Leirvik - Pluralisation of Theologies at Universities Approaches and Concepts . . . 25

Marianne Moyaert  - Interfaith Learning
in Academic Spaces . . .  35

Nicholas Adams - Plural Methods in the Study of Interreligious Relations . . .  47

 II. Pluralisation of Theologies and Religions in Universities of different European Countries Approaches in England 

Julia Ipgrave - Approaches to Plurality in the Online Self-presentation of Theology and Religion Departments in English Universities . . . 61

Approaches in The Netherlands André van der Braak Pluralisation of Theology at Vrije Universiteit (VU) Amsterdam . . . 93 

Approaches in Norway Anne Hege Grung Religious and Worldview Diversity, Dialogue and Pedagogy The Educational Promise of Complexity . . .  105 

Approaches in Germany University of Muenster  -
Dina El Omari, Mouhanad Khorchide, Perry Schmidt-Leukel Pluralisation of Theologies at the University of Münster (Germany) . . .  113 

School of Jewish Theology at the University of Potsdam Walter Homolka - The School of Jewish Theology at the University of Potsdam Combining Jewish and Interreligious Academic Studies . . .  127 

Academy of World Religions, University of Hamburg -Wolfram Weisse - Pluralisation of Theologies at the University of Hamburg (Germany)
The Academy of World Religions
and Dialogical Theology . . .  141 

Carola Roloff - Dialogue with Buddhism and Developments towards a Buddhist Theology
at the University of Hamburg . . .. 163 

Halima Krausen - Engaging with a Plurality of Theologies in the Faculty. Hamburg – a Muslim Perspective . . .  187 

Approaches in Austria - Handan Aksünger-Kizil Alevi - Theology in the Context of Religious Pluralisation in Germany and Austria . . .  199 

Zekirija Sejdini - The Innsbruck Model
of Interreligious Education . . .  215

III. The Case of Islam in Universities of Different European Countries Yaser Ellethy Converse or Convert? Doing Islamic Theology in a Pluralised European Context . . . 229 

Safet Bektovic - Muslim Theology in the Context of an Originally Christian Faculty Pluralisation of Theologies at Oslo University . . . 249

Ranja Ebrahim - Dealing with Plurality in Austria The Case of Islamic Theology at the University of Vienna, Department of Islamic-Theological Studies . . . 261

Farid Panjwani, Zulfi qar Khimani - “Before the Words of my Lord are Spent” - Towards Sociotheology –
the Case of Islam . . . 273 

Ataullah Siddiqui - Teaching Islam via “In-Built” Syllabi Engaging Plurality within a Muslim Higher Education Institution in England . . .  287

IV. Comparison and Perspectives Nicholas Adams Theological Plurality in European Universities:
Questions of Scale
. . . 

List of Authors ... 313 

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