Stephen C. Russell / Esther J. Hamori (eds.):
Mighty Baal
Essays in Honor of Mark S. Smith
Reihe: - Harvard Semitic Studies, Band: 66
Leiden: Brill 2020, XVI, 213 S., Index
E-Book (PDF) - ISBN: 978-90-04-43767-8 --- Print - ISBN 978-90-04-43766-1
Mighty Baal: Essays in Honor of Mark S. Smith (* 1956) is the first edited collection
devoted to the study of the ancient Near Eastern god Baal.
Although the Bible depicts Baal as powerless, the combined archaeological,
iconographic, and literary evidence makes it clear that Baal
was worshipped throughout the Levant as a god whose powers rivalled any deity.
Mighty Baal brings together eleven essays written by scholars
working in North America, Europe, and Israel.
Essays in part one focus on the main collection
of Ugaritic tablets describing Baal’s exploits, the Baal Cycle.
Essays in part two treat Baal’s relationships to other deities.
Together, the essays offer a rich portrait of Baal and his cult
from a variety of methodological perspectives.
The Harvard Semitic Studies series publishes
volumes from the Harvard Museum of the Ancient Near East.
Other series offered by Brill that publish volumes
from the Museum include
Studies in the Archaeology and History of the Levant and
Harvard Semitic Monographs,
--- Einleitung / Introduction >>>
Weiteres zum Thema
-.--- Buchbesprechung und Ausstellung im Institut du Monde Arabe (IMA) 1998:
Libanon - gestern und heute - Geografie, Geschichte, Politik und Kultur
--- Isis und Ischtar bis Maria - Himmelsköniginnen >>>
--- Der Prophet Elia und die Baalspriester (Wissenschaftliches Bibellexikon)
--- Vgl.: Die Gewalt der Absolutheitsansprüche. Das Massaker des Elia (1. Könige 18)
Reinhard Kirste: Die Bibel interreligiös gelesen. Interkulturelle Bibliothek, Bd. 7.
Nordhausen: Bautz 2006, S. 49-53
Baal mit dem Vegetationsspeer (= Blitzstrahl)
wikipedia.en: Baal with Thunderbolt
- Introduction --- Stephen C. Russell --- Seiten: 1–14
Hebrew Bible, in which he functions as a foil to Israel’s god, Yahweh.1 In one famous scene in 1 Kings 18, Yahweh’s lone prophet Elijah stages a contest with four hundred prophets of Baal to see which of their gods will miraculously ignite a sacrifice with fire from heaven. Mighty Baal’s lightning is nowhere to be seen. But fire from Yahweh consumes the water-soaked altar. The narrative imagines Baal as impotent, unable to manipulate the elements of nature. But it also understands Baalism as dangerous, as capable of enticing Yahweh’s people into apostasy. Although scholars of the Bible and the ancient Near East long had reason to be skeptical of this presentation of Yahwism as normative and Baalism as foreign and infectious, relatively little was known about Baal out-side of the Bible’s depictions.This situation changed dramatically almost a century ago with the discov-ery of texts from the ancient city of Ugarit— modern Ras Shamra, in northern Syria—that offered an insider’s view of Baal and his cult.2 Whatever Baal’s ori-gins, by the time the Ugaritic texts were written in the Late Bronze Age, the term Baal had come to designate a distinct deity regarded as having cosmic powers that rivaled any ancient Near Eastern god. - Beschränkter ZugangChapter 1
The Baal Cycle as a Myth of Cosmic Unification ---
Robert S. Kawashima --- Seite 17–31
From the Introduction (p. 1): The ancient Near Eastern god Baal is widely known from his portrayal in the
Chapter 2
Fight Like a Girl: the Performance of Gender and Violence in the Baal Cycle - - Corrine Carvalho --- Seiten: 32–46
- Beschränkter Zugang
- Beschränkter ZugangChapter 4
Active and Reactive Bodies in the Baal CycleDeena Grant --- - Seiten:
- 72–90
- Beschränkter ZugangChapter 5
The Grammar of Baal’s Epithets Steven E. Fassberg --- - Seiten:
- 91–100
- Beschränkter Zugang

Baal-Bronzestatue aus Ugarit
(14. bis 12. Jahrhundert v. Chr.) -
(Wikipedia: Ugarit)
- Beschränkter ZugangChapter 7
Gods in Translation and LocationRonald Hendel --- - Seiten:
- 119–137
- Beschränkter ZugangChapter 8
Ugaritic Athtartu Šadi, Food Production, and Textiles:
More Data for Reassessing the Biblical Portrayal of Aštart in Context Theodore J. Lewis --- - Seiten:
- 138–159
Beschränkter Zugang
Beschränkter ZugangChapter 9
Yahweh among the Baals: Israel and the Storm GodsDaniel E. Fleming --- - Seiten:
- 160–174
- Beschränkter ZugangChapter 10
Who Is the Baal of Peor?Susan Ackerman --- - Seiten:
- 175–191
- Beschränkter Zugang
- Back Matter --- Index --- S. 206–213

A tomb in the Royal palace's courtyard
Ein Grab im Hof des königlichen Palasts
(wikipedia.en: Ugarit)

Tempel des Baal in Dura Europos am Euphrat, heute Syrien (wikipedia)
Leiden: Brill 2020, XVI, 213 S., Index
E-Book (PDF) -ISBN: 978-90-04-43767-8 --- Print - ISBN 978-90-04-43766-1
E-Book (PDF) -
Mighty Baal: Essays in Honor of Mark S. Smith (* 1956) is the first edited collection
devoted to the study of the ancient Near Eastern god Baal.
Although the Bible depicts Baal as powerless, the combined archaeological,
iconographic, and literary evidence makes it clear that Baal
was worshipped throughout the Levant as a god whose powers rivalled any deity.
Mighty Baal brings together eleven essays written by scholars
working in North America, Europe, and Israel.
Essays in part one focus on the main collection
of Ugaritic tablets describing Baal’s exploits, the Baal Cycle.
Essays in part two treat Baal’s relationships to other deities.
Together, the essays offer a rich portrait of Baal and his cult
from a variety of methodological perspectives.
The Harvard Semitic Studies series publishes
volumes from the Harvard Museum of the Ancient Near East.
Other series offered by Brill that publish volumes
from the Museum include
Studies in the Archaeology and History of the Levant and
Harvard Semitic Monographs,
--- Einleitung / Introduction >>>
Weiteres zum Thema
-.--- Buchbesprechung und Ausstellung im Institut du Monde Arabe (IMA) 1998:
Libanon - gestern und heute - Geografie, Geschichte, Politik und Kultur
--- Isis und Ischtar bis Maria - Himmelsköniginnen >>>
--- Der Prophet Elia und die Baalspriester (Wissenschaftliches Bibellexikon)
--- Vgl.: Die Gewalt der Absolutheitsansprüche. Das Massaker des Elia (1. Könige 18)
Reinhard Kirste: Die Bibel interreligiös gelesen. Interkulturelle Bibliothek, Bd. 7.
Nordhausen: Bautz 2006, S. 49-53Baal mit dem Vegetationsspeer (= Blitzstrahl)
wikipedia.en: Baal with Thunderbolt- Introduction --- Stephen C. Russell --- Seiten: 1–14
Hebrew Bible, in which he functions as a foil to Israel’s god, Yahweh.1 In one famous scene in 1 Kings 18, Yahweh’s lone prophet Elijah stages a contest with four hundred prophets of Baal to see which of their gods will miraculously ignite a sacrifice with fire from heaven. Mighty Baal’s lightning is nowhere to be seen. But fire from Yahweh consumes the water-soaked altar. The narrative imagines Baal as impotent, unable to manipulate the elements of nature. But it also understands Baalism as dangerous, as capable of enticing Yahweh’s people into apostasy. Although scholars of the Bible and the ancient Near East long had reason to be skeptical of this presentation of Yahwism as normative and Baalism as foreign and infectious, relatively little was known about Baal out-side of the Bible’s depictions.This situation changed dramatically almost a century ago with the discov-ery of texts from the ancient city of Ugarit— modern Ras Shamra, in northern Syria—that offered an insider’s view of Baal and his cult.2 Whatever Baal’s ori-gins, by the time the Ugaritic texts were written in the Late Bronze Age, the term Baal had come to designate a distinct deity regarded as having cosmic powers that rivaled any ancient Near Eastern god. - Beschränkter ZugangChapter 1
The Baal Cycle as a Myth of Cosmic Unification ---
Robert S. Kawashima --- Seite 17–31
From the Introduction (p. 1): The ancient Near Eastern god Baal is widely known from his portrayal in the
Chapter 2
Fight Like a Girl: the Performance of Gender and Violence in the Baal Cycle - - Corrine Carvalho --- Seiten: 32–46
- Beschränkter Zugang
- Beschränkter ZugangChapter 4
Active and Reactive Bodies in the Baal CycleDeena Grant ---- Seiten:
- 72–90
- Beschränkter ZugangChapter 5
The Grammar of Baal’s EpithetsSteven E. Fassberg ---- Seiten:
- 91–100
- Beschränkter Zugang
Baal-Bronzestatue aus Ugarit
(14. bis 12. Jahrhundert v. Chr.) -
(Wikipedia: Ugarit)- Beschränkter ZugangChapter 7
Gods in Translation and LocationRonald Hendel ---- Seiten:
- 119–137
- Beschränkter ZugangChapter 8
Ugaritic Athtartu Šadi, Food Production, and Textiles:
More Data for Reassessing the Biblical Portrayal of Aštart in ContextTheodore J. Lewis ---- Seiten:
- 138–159
Beschränkter Zugang
Beschränkter ZugangChapter 9
Yahweh among the Baals: Israel and the Storm GodsDaniel E. Fleming ---- Seiten:
- 160–174
- Beschränkter ZugangChapter 10
Who Is the Baal of Peor?Susan Ackerman ---- Seiten:
- 175–191
- Beschränkter Zugang
- Back Matter --- Index --- S. 206–213
A tomb in the Royal palace's courtyard
Ein Grab im Hof des königlichen Palasts
(wikipedia.en: Ugarit)Tempel des Baal in Dura Europos am Euphrat, heute Syrien (wikipedia)
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