Donnerstag, 6. Februar 2020

Leonard Swidler - Was ist im Leben wichtig und richtig? - Briefe an seine Enkelin (aktualisiert)

Everyone struggles at times
to answer important life questions.

What is right and wrong?
What is the meaning of life?
Why do people believe different things? 

Professor Leonard Swidler (born 1929), author of more than 100 books has explored these questions with many other professors across the world.

Mehr zu Leonard Swidler >>>

Publisher: iPubCloud - IPub Global Connection
in Mesa (Arizona /USA) 2018

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Now, with his 15-year old granddaughter, Will,
Len Swidler
explores deep human issues, not with heavy language, but with thoughts
and words from an experienced grandpa to his open-eyed,
open-hearted granddaughter.

Letter 1: Does Life Have Meaning?

In this first letter to Will, Len explores the critical importance of unders
tanding basic words like “meaning” and “love”, whether life has meaning,
or if we make its 
meaning. He does this by tracing the origins of words and phrases, and by drawing examples
from philosophical schools, like existentialism and dualism.

All of this culminates to an immensely appropriate question: Is love the meaning of life?
Letter 2: What Is Right and Wrong? 

Everyone struggles at times to answer important life  questions. What is right and wrong?
What is the meaning of life? Welcome back to Book 2 in the Letters to Will Series!
Now that Len gave us the opportunity to listen in, these questions all seem so much clearer.

In this second letter, Len helps Will
explore the meaning of “right” and “wrong.”

Even deeper, he guides Will to sort out what we mean when we say something is “good” or “bad” — not an easy question!

Letter 3:
What Is Global Ethic? 

What is a global ethic? Can we all agree on an ethic that will be accepted by all people everywhere? Has this ever been done?

Welcome back to Book 3 in the Letters to Will Series! Now that Len gave us the opportunity to listen in, these questions all seem so much clearer. In this third letter, Len explores the idea of a global ethic, a compass that all of us can use to sort out our choices of thoughts and behaviors.

Letter 4: What is Buddhism?    
In this letter, Len explores, one of Will's new interests: 
Buddhism.By thinking deeply in a long period of time, the Buddha had clarified many fundamental puzzles of life - ones which are still being discussed to this day.For will, who knew very little about Buddhism, this introduction helped her look at her own life and its ups and downs.

Letters to Will - Letter 5:
Jesus Was a Feminist and Much Much More

This fifth letter in the series, “Jesus was a Feminist … and Much More”, is filled to the brim with compelling food for thought! Len takes us through two Biblical stories, The Pharisee and the Whore and The Rabbi and the Adulteress. Considering the status of Palestinian women in those days, Jesus, or Rabbi Yeshua, his given Hebrew name, broke all the rules, much to the dismay of the leaders around him. Find out how Rabbi Yeshua, through his “bold and risky actions”, models the behavior of a true feminist!
Vertiefte Information / Deepened Orientation

The Global Ethic is the set of basic
is the set of basicprinciples of right and wrong which
in fact are found in all the major, and not so major,
religions and ethical systems of the world,
past and present.
It does not go beyond the existing commonalities. 

However, this de facto existing broad
basic agreement  on ethical principles,
unfortunately, is largely unknown
 by most religious and ethical persons.
If they were aware of this commonality,
that would provide a broad basis
for serious dialogue and collaboration
among the adherents of all the religions
and ethical systems of the world.
Lacking that awareness, far too often
different religions and ethical systems foster
destructive, rather than constructive, relations.
Hence, it is vital to foster a conscious knowledge
of the de facto existing Global Ethic.

The Movement for a Global Ethic
drafting of a Universal Declaration
of a Global Ethic 
and promoting knowledge
and practice 
– was launched in 1991. 
Where did the idea of a movement for a
Universal Declaration of a Global Ethic come from?
New ideas, new movements, don’t just appear out of thin air.
When “integrating” forces pointing toward something “new”
gradually gather below the conscious level, they slowly reach
a critical point, and then suddenly a “new” idea will “precipitate,”
like the “quality of mercy, which droppeth as the gentle rain
from heaven upon the place beneath.”
 Thus, it also happened with the Movement for a Global Ethic.
In this book, Dr. Leonard Swidler and 11 colleagues propose
their perspectives on the Global Ethic from the vantage points of various religions.

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