Dienstag, 28. März 2023

John Tolan u.a.: Christliche und westliche Wahrnehmungen des Propheten Mohammed ------------- von der Antike bis heute (aktualisiert)

John Tolan: 
Faces of Muhammad
Gesichter Mohammeds

Western Perceptions 
of the Prophet of Islam
from the Middle Ages to Today

Westliche Wahrnehmungen des Propheten
des Islam vom Mittelalter bis heute

Princeton, NJ (USA):
 Princeton University Press,
2019, 328 pp., index, illustr. 
ISBN 978-0691186115

 >>> Charles TieszenThe Christian Encounter with Muhammad
How Theologians have Interpreted the Prophet.
London u.a.: Bloomsbury 2022
Verlagsinformation & Inhaltsverzeichnis >>>
>>> Kenneth Baxter Wolf: Muhammad als Antichrist im Córdoba des 9. Jh.s

Christians, Muslims, and Jews in Medieval and Early Modern Spain: Interaction
and Cultural Change, in: 
Series: Notre Dame Conferences in Medieval Studies
---  University of Notre Dame Press 2000, 368 pp. --- https://doi.org/10.2307/j.ctvpj7bxm
(20 Seiten über academia.edu >>>)
Muhammad Reconsidered


 information "Faces of Muhammad" + Contents 

Heretic and impostor or reformer and statesman? 
The contradictory Western visions of Muhammad

Ketzer und Betrüger oder Reformer und Staatsmann? 
Die widersprüchlichen westlichen Sichtweisen auf Mohammed

In European culture, Muhammad has been vilified as a heretic, an impostor, and a pagan idol. But these aren’t the only images of the Prophet of Islam that emerge from Western history. Commentators have also portrayed Muhammad as a visionary reformer and an inspirational leader, statesman, and lawgiver. In Faces of Muhammad, John Tolan provides a comprehensive history of these changing, complex, and contradictory visions. Starting from the earliest calls to the faithful to join the Crusades against the “Saracens,” he traces the evolution of Western conceptions of Muhammad through the Reformation, the Enlightenment, and the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, and up to the present day.

Faces of Muhammad reveals a lengthy tradition of positive portrayals of Muhammad that many will find surprising. To Reformation polemicists, the spread of Islam attested to the corruption of the established Church, and prompted them to depict Muhammad as a champion of reform. In revolutionary England, writers on both sides of the conflict drew parallels between Muhammad and Oliver Cromwell, asking whether the prophet was a rebel against legitimate authority or the bringer of a new and just order. Voltaire first saw Muhammad as an archetypal religious fanatic but later claimed him as an enemy of superstition. To Napoleon, he was simply a role model: a brilliant general, orator, and leader.

The book shows that Muhammad wears so many faces in the West because he has always acted as a mirror for its writers, their portrayals revealing more about their own concerns than the historical realities of the founder of Islam.

Contents / Inhaltsverzeichnis

Wie Europa den Propheten Mohammed sieht: 
Tolan stellt die verschiedenen Mohammed-Bilder dar:
1.  Mohammed als Idol
2.  Betrüger und Erzketzer
3.  Pseudeprophet der Mauren
4.  Prophet der Türken
5.  Republikanischer Revolutionär für das England der Renaissance
6.  Prophet der Aufklärung: Reformer und Gesetzgeber
7.  Gesetzgeber- Staatsmann - Held: Der Prophet der Romantiker
8.  Ein jüdisher Mohammed? Die Sicht jüdischer Gemeinscnaften
     des 19. Jahrhunderts in Mitteleuropa
9.  Prophet des abrahamischen Glaubens
10. Schlussfolgerung

The Author:
John Tolan is professor of history at the University of Nantes and a member of the Academia Europaea. His previous books include Saracens: Islam in the Medieval European Imagination and Saint Francis and the Sultan. Twitter @JohnVTolan
John Tolan, Université de Nantes

Additional Literature
  • Der Koran - Vielfalt der Übersetzungen und Kommentare >>>
  • Paris: Tallandier 2022, 352 pp.
    ISBN/EAN numérique : 979-1021049796
    Leseprobe / Extrait >>>

  • John Tolan - see more >>>
  • Articles & Books from John Tolan
           on academia.edu
  • John Tolan: L'Espagne chrétienne entre rabbins, prêtres et muftis
    Beitrag auf academia.edu >>>
  • John Tolan: Kirchenrechtliche Regelungen 
    für interreligiöse Disputationen
    im Mittelalter 

    Medieval Encounters 24 (2018), 14-28
  • John Tolan: Miroir de nos phantasmes?
    L'islam dans l'imaginaire européen: perspectives historiques 2012, 18 pp.

    halshs-00737964v2 (über academia.edu)

  • John Tolan: Le Saint chez le Sultan -
    La rencontre de Fran
    çois d'Assise
     et de l'islam. Huit siècles d'interprétation.
     Paris: Seuil 2007, 504 pp., Ill., index
  • John Tolan: Les Sarrasins. L'Islam dans l'imagination européenne au Moyen Âge.
    Compte rendu (Persée): 
    Année 2004 
     162-1  pp. 242-243

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